Motor vehicles is convenient things but they do have a long lists of things which can go wrong and which could make it temporally impossible to use that vehicle in a satisfactory way. One of the most frustrating situations is when you have locked yourself out of your motor vehicle and you do not have access to a spare key at that point in time. Nothing is more frustrating than to stand outside your motor vehicle and see the keys dangling from the ignition lock and yet there is no way to lay your hands on those keys. Fortunately there are some intelligent steps which can be taken which can provide you with some protection, should you find yourself in a situation where you have locked yourself out.
The first step, access to a locksmith
Even if you are never going to use it, having the number of a reliable car locksmiths, saved on your smartphone or on the bumper sticker of your vehicle is one certain way to ensure that you are able to obtain assistance in the event of a possible lockout. Having a certain solution, can bring some normalcy to the situation and at the very least you will feel less helpless because you know that a professional will be able to solve that situation.
Membership to some kind of roadside assistance
There are many organizations who are fully aware, that there are thousands of motor vehicle owners, who get themselves into uncomfortable situations at one point or another and these professionals is more than ready to provide roadside assistance wherever necessary. Membership of such an organization is therefore one certain way to be prepared for all eventualities.
Forming excellent habits
Do everything possible to condition yourself, to never exit your vehicle unless you have your keys in your hand, because this is still the best way to ensure that you will never find yourself in such a frustrating situation where you cannot get into your own vehicle. In the event where your hands is full, ensure that you place the keys in your pocket before getting out that vehicle.
Another excellent habit
Condition yourself to use only the remote clicker when locking or unlocking the doors of your vehicle. This is entirely possible with the locking mechanisms which is available these days. When using this method you will ensure that you always have the keys in your hands when getting out of your vehicle and therefore a lockout situation should never occur.
Remotes rely on batteries
As soon as you encounter any problems with your remote, you should immediately replace the batteries, to prevent a situation where those mechanisms will not function as they should because of insufficient battery power.
Always carry spare keys
One of the best solutions to a possible lockout situation, will always be to have a spare key readily available and one way will be to carry such a key in your wallet or purse. Alternatively a key could be hidden somewhere on the motor vehicle where it is not too obvious, but where it can be accessed reasonably easily.
The OnStar option
Many people has found this option to provide them with very acceptable results, because whenever a lockout situation occurs OnStar is always able to provide a simple and cost effective solution.